Home remedies for Sun Tanned Skin, Remove Tan Naturally, How to Remove Tan?

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There are few effective home remedies to remove. However it is to be noted that there is nothing that can help to remove a tan overnight. It will take atleast a week or may be a month to remove tan. The natural ways of lightening skin that has darkened due to tanning are always the easy ways rather than to use the harsh chemical products available in the market. The natural home remedies are safe, tried and tested and you can easily do it at home.

How to Remove Tan?

Remove Tan Naturally

Check out here some easy ways to remove tan naturally: 

  • Buttermilk: Buttermilk is an effective way to remove tan. Make your own buttermilk. Dilute a cup of yogurt in water  (2 liters) and blend well. Apply this on your tanned skin and rub it. This will show excellent results. You can also apply this to your skin as many times as you like.

  • Fresh Milk Cream and Saffron: You can also apply a paste made of fresh milk cream and saffron. Soak saffron in milk cream overnight. Mix this in the morning with your fingers and apply. This will lighten your tan besides providing a glow to your skin.

  • Aloe Vera Gel: Take Aloe vera leaves and squeeze out a little gel from the leaves. Apply this on your face. Aloe vera gel, being natural, is an excellent way to reduce the discoloration of your tanned skin. You can also use aloe vera gel available in the market. Apply this overnight. Remember never to apply aloe vera gel while going out in the sun as this can make your skin darker.

  • Rice flour with curd: Mix rice flour with curd and apply it on the face. Massage gently using circular movements and wash it off after 5 minutes.

  • Curd, fresh lime juice, honey:  Mix a tsp of curd, fresh lemon juice and honey and apply it on the face. It lightens skin color.

  • Raw Potato: Take a raw potato. Take the juice out of it and apply  on your face. This has natural bleaching properties.

  • Cucumber and fuller earth:  Mix cucumber paste with lemon juice and fuller's earth and apply it for few minutes and then wash it off. This acts as an excellent anti-tan pack.

  • Natural Oil:  Mix sesame seed oil, olive oil and almond oil in the ratio 4:1:1. Apply this oil on your skin for few minutes. Remove the oil from your face by using gram flour/besan or a mild soap. This is an effective natural remedy to get rid of suntan. It also improves complexion.

  • Tomato juice and curd: Mix tomato juice with a little curd. Apply and wash it off after few minutes.

  • Sandalwood and masoor dal: Mix paste of sandalwood (chandan) powder with black gram (masoor) dal. Keep the mixture overnight. Apply this the next morning and wash it with cold water.

  • Turmeric and Yoghurt: Use haldi (turmeric) and yoghurt before taking bath Add a pinch of turmeric (haldi) to chilled yoghurt and apply on your face for 30 minutes before having a bath.

 Check out some more tips here:

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Natural Skin Care

Remove Tan

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