Home Remedies Using Cumin Seeds, Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds,How to use Jeera or Cumin Seeds in various Ailments?

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Jeera or Cumin Seeds, the scientific name of which is Cuminum Cyminum, is a common spice used in various delicacies and curries, specially in Indian dishes. Several of the studies have shown that cumin seeds, cumin seed powder or extract have a number of health benefits and have been used as an essential home remedy for many ailments. 
Jeera / Cumin Seeds
Medicinal Properties of Jeera
Cumin seeds consist of protein 17.7 percent, fat 23.8 percent, crude fiber 9.1 percent, carbohydrates 35.5 percent and mineral matter 7.7 percent per 100 grams. The mineral and vitamin contents are iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C and A. 

Health Benefits of Cumin Seeds/Jeera

One of the most popular and effective uses of jeera seeds is the treatment of diseases related to the respiratory system, including asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism and cold symptoms. The seeds help increase body tone, stimulate menstrual period, and increasing the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers. It also helps in removing colic pain in babies. It helps in improving sleep, preventing cold and fever. Jeera is very effective in treating digestive disorders like as indigestion, diarrhea, biliousness, morning sickness, malabsorption syndrome, and flatulent colic. Cumin or jeera is useful in the treatment of piles.Cumin seeds are also helpful in  treating skin boils and acne, in improving memory etc.

How to Use Jeera or Cumin Seeds in Various Ailments? 
Let us check below some home remedies using cumin seeds:

For Digestion
Take 1 tsp of cumin seeds and boil it in a glass of water. Add one teaspoon of fresh coriander leaf juice and a pinch of salt in it. This decoction can be taken two time daily after meals as a medicine for diarrhea.

Take 60 grams of the jeera. Roast and ground the jeera seeds. Take grounded jeera powder (about 3 gms) with water.

Sleeping Disorder 
Take a teaspoon of the fried powder of cumin seeds. Mix this with the pulp of a ripe banana. This can be taken at night to induce sleep.

Common Cold and Fever
Dilute cumin seeds in boiling water for sometime and then strain the liquid. Have this liquid. This is an antiseptic beverage and very useful in common cold and fevers. You can also add a few small pieces of dry ginger in the water if you have sore throat.

Bloating and Constipation
Cumin Tea can be prepared by boiling a glass of water and adding a tea spoon of fennel seeds to it. The decoction should be cooled and filtered before consuming.  You may add honey to it. This is good for people suffering from digestive disorders. Cumin tea relaxes the intestines and gives relief
from constipation and bloating.

Amnesia or dullness of memory
Take 3 grams of black cumin seeds. Mix with 12 grams of pure honey and licked to get of in this condition.

For Pregnant Women
A decoction of jeera seeds mixed with honey and milk, taken once daily during the entire period of pregnancy. This helps the healthy development of the foetus, eases child birth and increases the secretion of breast milk.

Skin Boils
Black cumin ground in water is applied as a paste over boils with beneficial results.

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jeera seed

Natural home remedies

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