Cucumber for Skin, Skin Care using Cucumber, Cucumber for Eyes, Cucumber Benefits for Skin and Eyes

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In our previous post "Cucumber Health Benefits, Cucumber Nutrition Facts, Low Calorie Cucumber Diet, we had discussed in details about natural health remedies using cucumber, how cucumber is good for our health. With so many health benefits cucumber has become one of the most important parts of food diet as well as skin diet. Today, in this article we will discuss about cucumber for skin and eyes, how cucumber is helpful in skin and eye care.  With 90% water content in cucumber , it has a cooling, hydrating and soothing effect on the skin. The cleaning and cleansing property of cucumber helps your skin tremendously making it soft and supple. As cucumber consists of silica naturally, it is a rich source of nutrients for healthy skin. This helps in skin replenishing and makes you look younger. The regular intake of cucumber juice is very useful both internally and externally.
Cucumber for Skin
Benefits of cucumber for skin and eyes

Reducing dark circles and puffiness
The abundance of antioxidants and silica within cucumbers can rejuvenate the skin and hence can quickly, safely and easily help reduce the appearance of dark circles.Due to the large amount of ascorbic acid in cucumbers, when they are placed under the eyes they can decrease water retention and thus reduce puffiness as well.

Take round slices of fresh cucumbers and place them over your eyes. Your eyes will feel soft and smooth after just 5 or 10 minutes of use. Use them on a regular basis, you will notice your dark circles and puffiness reducing.

Cucumber slice for eyes
Help Reduce Freckles
Freckles are often seen as as side effect when we are too much exposed to sun. Using cucmber can help in reducing freckles.

Grate cucumber. Spread the grated cucumber all over the face and neck. It can reduce the overall appearance of freckles over time.
Grated cucumber
Improve Complexion with Cucumbers
This is the most common, well tried and tested benefit of cucumber: to improve complexion and simply rejuvenate the skin. When cucumber is used as a facial mask, it allows your skin to be much more soft and subtle, leaving your skin glowing.

Treat a Sunburn
cucumbers can also provide benefits in treating sun burn. The cooling effect of cucumbers is a natural and gentle way to soothe your skin and speed up the healing process.

Grate 1/2 cucumber into a bowl. Add 1 tsp. of rose water. Apply to the forehead, nose and chin, where skin is naturally more oily. The mixture can be used all over the face, including under the eyes and on the eyelids, for pore-reducing and skin-tightening affect.

Tighten Open Pores
Cucumber is an excellent toner.

You can apply cucumber juice  on your face and neck and rince off after few minute. You can also mix cucumber juice with apple cider vinegar, a few lemon drops, egg white, honey, aloe vera or tomato and use as a face mask for tightening open pores.
Cucumber Face Mask
Sweat / oily skin
If your face gets sweaty, wipe it with a cucumber slice periodically throughout the day.

Cucumber Facial Masks
For a healthy glowing and smooth skin
Blend 4 - 5 leafs of fresh mint, peel and deseed the cucumber. Add mint leaves to the cucumber to make a puree. Beat egg white and then add this to the cucumber mixture. Apply this evenly on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it with water and pat it dry.

Cucumber and aloe vera for sun burn 
Peel the cucumber and cut it in pieces. Put the cucumber pieces together with the aloe vera in a grinder and blend them until you have a nice smooth paste. Spread the paste with your fingertips on your clean face and neck: keep the eye area clear. Now lie down, relax and leave the mask on for about half an hour. Finally wash it off with cold water; pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

Cucumber anti-blemish face mask
Use a small chunk of cucumber (2.5 cm ), 1 drop rosemary essential oil and 1 egg white. Whizz the cucumber in a blender so that you get juice out of it. Add rosemary essential oil. You can also few drops of lemon juice if you are not using rosemary oil. Whisk the egg white until stiff, mix it in the cucumber mixture and smooth over the face avoiding the eyes and mouth area. Remove after 15 minutes using a clean, damp washcloth.
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Cucumber Skin Care

Natural Skin Care

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