Natural Home Remedies for Headache with Regimens, Causes and Symptoms

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What are headache remedies? What is the Natural Herbal Home Remedies for Headache in the medical science? I will show you the headache remedies in this article under the title "Headache - Natural Home Remedies for Headache with Regimens, Causes and Symptoms".
Headache Problem and Effectual Remedies
I have described in this article about headache in details campaign under the headache causes and symptoms in shortly, natural home remedies for headache, other headache remedies, diet and regimens.

The Headache is just head pain. What is a headache? The definition of headache is "When the patient gets pain in the head, it is called headache". It is a common ailment of the head. In the Ayurvedic treatment science it is known as Shira-Shool (Head-Pain). Remember! Actually, Headache is not a disease, but it is a warning or a symptom of some other problems within the body. It may be a warning that a person is very tired or ill. It may also result in injury. Normally, there is no damage from a headache. However, the headache should not be ignored as it may be a sign or warning of some more serious illness.

What Causes of Headache?

Headache is produced due to different causes. Both psychological and physical causes will produce this disease. Mostly, headache may result due to increased pressure of blood through the vessels to the head. Headache may also be caused by infectious diseases. Infections in the sinus or ears may result in a long-standing headache. Sometimes over straining of the eyes may lead to headache. Serious headaches may be caused by increased pressure inside the skull, which may be caused by a brain tumor, hemorrhage or infection.

Headache is a common complaint, and one may frequently be guided by the causes which produce the pain or by the complaints which accompany it.

Headache Causes in Shortly

I have described the causes of headache in shortly bellow for caching easily. Headache may be due to any reason or problem of these causes.
1. Tumor in the Brain
2. Emotional Strain
3. Prolonged Overwork
4. High Blood Pressure
5. Defective Eyesight
6. Sinusitis
7. Exposure to Excessive Temperature like hot sun
8. Hot fire
9. Exposure to Cold
10. Ulcers in the Stomach
11. After Cold
12. Influenza
13. Lung, and intestinal Disorders

Symptoms of Headache

The symptoms accompanying headache from stomach disorder and bowels include a furred tongue, bad taste, and loss of appetite, nausea coming on at an early stage and increasing with the pain.

Mitigation of Headache

Headache due to neuralgia produces nausea and vomiting gives relief, while the headache returns frequently on one side only. It may be boring as though produced by a nail, in specific spots and touching the head increases the pain. Lying down quietly in a dark room mitigates the pain. Drinking coffee gives relief during the attack, but one must abstain from it because it is quite injurious to health.

Natural Home Remedies for Headaches

1. Fresh cow's milk 2, 3 drops put in the nostrils (morning and evening) give relief from the headache.

2. For patients suffering from migraine, 3-4 drops of pure mustard oil dropped into the nostrils of the side which has headache works miracle. Even snuffing mustard oil properly has the same effect. Repeat the treatment for 5 days, 2-3 times a day.

3. For persistent headache, take 1/4 teaspoon powdered cinnamon, mix with 1 tablespoon of butter and apply to the temples and forehead just above the ears. This has a soothing effect.

4. Add one teaspoon of powdered ginger to 1 (one) liter of water. Drink a cupful of this three times a day until the symptom disappears.

5. Rub peppermint oil on the forehead for sinus headache.

6. Saturate a brown paper or crusts of bread with cider vinegar, squeeze, put it on the forehead and tie using a band. Lie still for some time. The headache disappears miraculously.

Other Headache Remedies

1. Anatolia is in drops. It is medically prepared and is used as basal drops. Ten drops may be installed into each nostril.

2. Shuvorna Suta Shekara is the choice drug in Sooryavarta, Ardhavabhedaka and Shankaka. It contains the Survarna Bhasma. It should be given in a dose of 200-400 mg. With sugar, honey, add ghee on an empty stomach along with Pravala Pishti, 200 mg.

3. Laxmi Vilasa Rasa can be given in a dose of 1-2 tablets (0.25 gms.each) twice or thrice daily with honey or the juice of wet ginger.

4. Shring Bhasma (Horn of deer), Godanti Bhasma (Calcium Sulphate), specially Burnt and Bhasma is prepared. These should be mixed with honey and ghee and administered twice or thrice daily in a dose of 0.25 gm.

5. The Pathyadi Quatha in a dose of one ounce must be administered with an equal quantity of water as a laxative. In resistant cases Shirobasti, Shirodhara and Panchakarma methods will help to cure the patient.

Here the italic and bold words are Indian medicine by Dr. T.L Devaraj (India). You can buy these natural home remedies for headaches from any Herbal/Ayurvadic medicine dispensary in the market.

Diet of Headache

Old Rice should be given with the extract of Kuattha (Dolichos biflorus), cow’s milk, butter and ghee are the best to be used in this condition. The patients with headache must avoid pungent and fried foods.

Other Regimens

The patient of headache due to kapha must not expose himself to either cold weather, or cold climate. The mental causes which produce mental strain must be avoided totally. He should not sleep during the day or awake at night. This holds well in other types of headache also.

Note: When pain reappears in the same spot, deep in the brain and on the other side of the body jerking, crawling, paralysis symptoms are visible; consulting a physician is a must.

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