Children diarrhea is called in the various name such as "infantile diarrhea, toddler diarrhea, kids diarrhea, child diarrhea, babies with diarrhea etc." I will describe in this article Children Diarrhea Definition, Children Diarrhea Causes and Children Diarrhea Symptoms in details on the topic of
This is the condition of kids diarrhea or children diarrhea in the world. After all We could learn some things about children diarrhea - " What is Children Diarrhea". Now we can try to know What Causes and Symptoms of Child Diarrhea.
2. A child who is taking mother’s milk - breast milk, any digestive disorder of the mother may produce diarrhea in the child who will be associated with vomiting and a griping pain in the stomach.
2. Bacterium: due to infection with a bacterium like Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, C. difficile (Clostridium), or Cholera, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter, Vibrio cholerae.
3. Parasite: due to infection by a parasite like Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium, Giardiasis and Amebiasis.
These are the major causes of child diarrhea. After that we are clear on "What Causes Children Diarrhea." OK, now we will describe the symptoms of Child diarrhea.
2. The liquid stools will be a foul small and a yellowish or greenish tinge.
3. Cramp pains in the abdomen are common. Pains can ease every time some diarrhea is passed.
4. Some vomiting, headache, fever (high temperature) and aching limbs can also be developed with loose stools.
5. Heaving stop eating anything and milk of the mother.
6. Get crying all time of day and night.
7. Day by day, children going to thinness.
8. And then at least he/she falls down to the door of death absence proper treatment.
2. Passes watery stools more and more.
3. Baby’s mouth, tongue and lips will be dry.
4. Fewer baby tear's cloth or anything due to angry when crying.
5. Baby becomes weakness, being irritable or lethargic and sunken eyes.
6. Baby may be pale or mottled skin, cold hand and feet, drowsiness, very few wet nappies and fast breathing.
Caution: In this condition, a medical emergency and immediate medical attention are much needed.
Note: It may be noted here that the children normally affected from Children Diarrhea at the time of teething and the child will cry day and night. He/she may bite the nipples of his mother. If the condition is neglected it will lead to dehydration and eventually the emaciation and death of the child.
Children Diarrhea often stays for three to five days, but sometimes be longer. Little loose stools can last about a week or so further before normal pattern returns. Sometimes the bodily symptoms persist longer. Thank you so much for reading this article named "What is Children Diarrhea? What Causes & Symptoms of Children Diarrhea?"
We hope, dear reader, to share your suggestions, your comments, and your thoughts. We take care everything you send to us and will have the most interest to our editorial board. Thanks for your cooperation.
Copyright: Modern Herbalife
Not to be reproduced without the permission of Modern Herbalife.
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Children Diarrhea |
"What is Children Diarrhea and What Causes & Symptoms of Children Diarrhea?"
The normal diarrhea definition is an abnormally fast passage of waste material through the large intestine with consequent discharge of loose stools. In this condition, stool passes loosely or watery through the anus three or more times within 24 hours or per day. These stools may contain water, formed or unformed or solid digested or undigested food in small or large quantity. Blood or mucus can appear in the stools with some infections. In the most condition, diarrhea eases and goes within a few days, but sometimes stays for longer. The main risk is dehydration diarrhea defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) is the condition of having three or looser or liquid stools (bowel movements) per day.Estimate of Children Death due to Toddler Diarrhea
Toddler Diarrhea is a leading cause of many causes of the children death. We can say it is the principle cause of the children death. WHO and UNICEF has reported an estimated 1.5 million children under five years-old die from diarrhea in every year globally. About two and half Lac children die untimely in the Bangladesh. More than one in ten child deaths – about 800,000 each year – is due to diarrhea. Now a day, only 44% of children with diarrhea in low-income countries receive the recommended treatment for babies with diarrhea, and limited trend data suggest that there has been little progress since 2000.This is the condition of kids diarrhea or children diarrhea in the world. After all We could learn some things about children diarrhea - " What is Children Diarrhea". Now we can try to know What Causes and Symptoms of Child Diarrhea.
Children Diarrhea Causes
There are many causes of child diarrhea in the medical science. But here, I will describe the children diarrhea causes under two classifications. 1st: the most important causes of children diarrhea and 2nd: Germ infection causes of children diarrhea.Two Important Causes of Children Diarrhea
1. Children who affected from diarrhea have either drunk defective or infected milk or caught an infection in the intestinal tract.2. A child who is taking mother’s milk - breast milk, any digestive disorder of the mother may produce diarrhea in the child who will be associated with vomiting and a griping pain in the stomach.
Germ Infection Causes of Children Diarrhea
1. Virus: due to infection of virus like Rota virus (normally for children), winter vomiting disease infected by Norwalk virus or Norovirus, Enterovirus, or a Hepatitis virus.2. Bacterium: due to infection with a bacterium like Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, C. difficile (Clostridium), or Cholera, Staphylococcus, Campylobacter, Vibrio cholerae.
3. Parasite: due to infection by a parasite like Entamoeba histolytica, Cryptosporidium, Giardiasis and Amebiasis.
These are the major causes of child diarrhea. After that we are clear on "What Causes Children Diarrhea." OK, now we will describe the symptoms of Child diarrhea.
Children Diarrhea Symptoms
There are many symptoms of Children diarrhea in the medical science. I will describe the Children Diarrhea Symptoms at here under two classifications. 1st: the stools symptoms and 2nd: the physical symptoms of child diarrhea.Stools Symptoms of Child Diarrhea
1. The stools of the sick child will be either liquid or semi-liquid.2. The liquid stools will be a foul small and a yellowish or greenish tinge.
3. Cramp pains in the abdomen are common. Pains can ease every time some diarrhea is passed.
4. Some vomiting, headache, fever (high temperature) and aching limbs can also be developed with loose stools.
5. Heaving stop eating anything and milk of the mother.
6. Get crying all time of day and night.
7. Day by day, children going to thinness.
8. And then at least he/she falls down to the door of death absence proper treatment.
Physical symptoms of Child Diarrhea
These symptoms are actually for acute diarrhea (dehydration) in children included. 1. Child or baby Passes little urine.2. Passes watery stools more and more.
3. Baby’s mouth, tongue and lips will be dry.
4. Fewer baby tear's cloth or anything due to angry when crying.
5. Baby becomes weakness, being irritable or lethargic and sunken eyes.
6. Baby may be pale or mottled skin, cold hand and feet, drowsiness, very few wet nappies and fast breathing.
Caution: In this condition, a medical emergency and immediate medical attention are much needed.
Note: It may be noted here that the children normally affected from Children Diarrhea at the time of teething and the child will cry day and night. He/she may bite the nipples of his mother. If the condition is neglected it will lead to dehydration and eventually the emaciation and death of the child.
Children Diarrhea often stays for three to five days, but sometimes be longer. Little loose stools can last about a week or so further before normal pattern returns. Sometimes the bodily symptoms persist longer. Thank you so much for reading this article named "What is Children Diarrhea? What Causes & Symptoms of Children Diarrhea?"
We hope, dear reader, to share your suggestions, your comments, and your thoughts. We take care everything you send to us and will have the most interest to our editorial board. Thanks for your cooperation.
Copyright: Modern Herbalife
Not to be reproduced without the permission of Modern Herbalife.
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