Tahina Halawa (الحلاوة الطحينية) Facts and Benefits for some of the disadvantages

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Tahina Halawa (sesams halawa) as sugars sweet which originally is a mixture of flour, sugar, sesame, and you can add nuts or dried fruit to it. This Halawa is so suitable for all Arabian. Tahina Halawa (الحلاوة الطحينية) is known to all over the world in different denominations;
Tahina Halawa Benefits
Tahina Halva
like the Egypt and the Levant call it 'Tahina Halva', the Morocco call it 'shami halwa' (maize candy), the Gulf countries call it 'Rihsh'. It is also known as sugars Halawa, sweets Halawa and sesames Halawa. It has several alternative names such as: Tahina Halawa, Tahina Alva, Tahina Haleweh, Tahina Halava, Tahina Helava, Tahina Helva, Tahina Halwa, Tahina Halua, Tahina Aluva, Tahina Chalva etc.

Tahina Halawa is created by sesame seeds wherever the seeds are compressed and pasteurized, which build up the chief components of halawa, manufacturing halawa prosperous in vital oils with flour and sugar.

How to Preserve Tahina Halawa

You can keep the sesame sweet (Tahina Halawa) at the temperature room without any damage hit it, but in the hot summer months, preferably keep in the radiator because it can become liquid after several long days.

Benefits of Tahina Halawa

Tahina Halawa contains many benefits, through this website you can train yourself recognized as the most prominent of these benefits. 1)  Sesame oil maintains overall the health of men & women; it contains 20% high quality proteins, and 50% harmless fat, calcium, iron and vitamins B1, B2 and vitamin D.
2)  This Halawa is the source of energy for the body, it increases muscle strength.
3)  This Halawa actives the cells and tissues perfectly, and increase the effectiveness of its functions.
4)  This Halawa increases the body protection from cancer, heart disease and premature aging, and prevent the risk of atherosclerosis.
5)  This Halawa protects the human body from the skin and colon cancer.
6)  This Halawa protects the skin generally, and active functions of the gut.
7)  This Halawa help digestion, and clear constipation.
8)  This Halawa consummates the presence worms in the intestine.
9)  It is an important food item to feed the blood vessels in the body.
10)  Strengthen the body's immune reaction.
11)  It is considered that this Halawa is the most important meal for postpartum (bleeding following childbirth) where it helps to generate more milk in the mother’s breast.

It is the most important that you can make this Tahina Halawa at your home. You need to make this Halawa flour, sesames & sugar only. You can search for in the internet to get an idea how to make Tahina Halawa. We should eat this Halawa minimum one time a day, because it has the most health benefits. Especially the Arabians have used to take this Tahina Halawa. They like it more than the other.

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