Why eating Curd/yogurt at Night is harmful? What ayurveda says?

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According to ancient Ayurveda, curd is known to be a main cause of ‘Kapha’, as curd has sour mixed sweet property which increases mucus (Kapha doshas) in the body. 

Kapha is the core reason behind the mucus generation in the body which is predominant at the night time. It might also cause indigestion problem. That is why Ayurveda suggest avoiding curd at night time.

This is quite similar to exposing yourself to hot Sun in the afternoon hours, which is not good for your health, as afternoon period is naturally Pitta predominant period and sun exposure also enhances Pitta.

However, according to modern science, avoiding consumption of curd at night time is not applied to everyone, but people who are prone to allergic or severe cough and cold should avoid curd at night. Therefore, people who do not suffer from cough, cold and sinus problems can consume curd or buttermilk at night but in moderate level adding some sugar or honey.

Sour Curd according to Ayurveda

1.  Curd is hot in potency, sour in taste, and heavy to digest; too much consumption of sour curd takes a longer period to digest.
2.  Sour curd should not be consumed by making it hot.
3.  Sour curd should not be consumed during night.
4.  Do not eat sour curd if there is swelling or inflammation in the body as it worsens the inflammation.
5.  Sour curd should also not be consumed during summer & spring seasons.

Note:  Above properties are attributed to sour curds.

However, moderate amount of sour curd mixed with honey, ghee, little sugar, soup of green gram and amla (Indian gooseberry) is helpful in relieving indigestion and Dysurea (Difficulty in urination)

What if I want to eat Curd at night?

1.  If you want to eat curd at night, mix pinch of black pepper powder or caynon pepper powder to it. Don’t add too much as it may cause burning sensation.

2.  Alternatively, you can try some fenugreek powder or sugar or honey. Fenugreek has bitter taste but combination of curt & fenugreek helps relieve stomach pain due to indigestion.

3.  Buttermilk is finest substitute to curd at night. It clears the channel and gives relief from mucus secretion.

Health risk

Health risk associated with sour curd at night includes:
Bleeding disorders

Sugar added curd or non sugar added curd. Which is better?

If you are eating curds in the morning, then eating curd without sugar is recommended.
Curd in not recommended at night as per Ayurveda, but if you are eating it at night, then adding some sugar or honey is better.

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