Why eating Pickles every day is Bad for health? Ayurveda says!

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Almost all pickles are usually made with lots of salt, oil, vinegar, spices, sugar and other preservatives for a long shelf life regardless of the main ingredient such as lemon, mango, fish, meat etc. But too much amount of oil, salt, spices and preservatives can be dangerous for our health.

Nowadays, the people who love non-vegetarian food may also have varieties of non- veg pickles in the grocery store like duck pickle, Pickle mutton, Meat pickle, Pickle prawn, Pickle Fish, Pork pickle, Pickle chicken, egg pickle and so on.

Lemon, mango, Indian gooseberry (amla), garlic, green chili, carrot, cucumber, beetroot, jackfruit, caricus carandus, tomato, mixed vegetable, Soya sauce vinegar, Onion pickles, radish, papaya, sweet raisin, capsicum, ginger pickle! You name it, they have it!

All these veg and non-veg pickles are spicy and contain lots of oil. Too much consumption of pickle increases…
1. Dryness
2. Hotness and
3. Lightness in the body and all these conditions increases Tridosha - the Pitta, Vata and Kapha dosha.

Who should avoid Pickles?

1. People with Pitta Vata prakruti
2. Post natal period (after delivery)
3. Pregnant mothers
4. Old age people
5. Young children

People suffering from hypertension, liver disorders and kidney related problems should avoid eating pickle.

Similarly, the individuals  suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcers, ulcers, fracture, esophageal reflux disease, reflux esophagitis, headache (especially cluster headache, migraine headache, menstrual headache stress headache, etc), haemorrhoids, peripheral neuritis, post operative conditions, bleeding disorders, emaciating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, azoospermia, lethargy, etc must avoid the consumption of pickle.

Bad for diabetic

Several pickles like fruit pickles contains high amount of sugar which may unsafe for people who have diabetes. Preservatives present in packaged pickles increases the triglyceride levels in the body and it may cause several health issues.

Causes bloating

Packaged pickles also contain sodium that forces our body to maintain large amount of water which may cause bloating in our body.

Digestive problems

Eating too much pickle daily can damage your digestive system and causes abdominal discomfort, flatulence and pain. Because too much consumption of oil, spices and salt can imbalance the digestive secretions and may cause diarrhea.

Increases blood pressure

Pickles contains high amount of salt as a preservative which may cause stomach to bloat. The intake of salt in high amount can also considerably increase blood pressure.

Intestinal ulcers

Spices are essential part of pickles and works as natural preservative for pickle but excess spices can also cause intestinal ulcers, which is common in people who eat pickles regularly.


It’s not bad at all to add pickles sometimes in your food to improve the taste, but in moderate level, as too much pickle is bad for your health. Always choose less spicy, less oily and less salty pickle to enjoy your food and avoid several health complications.

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