Successful Diabetes Treatment Naturally at Home | 100% Reduse Your Sugar Level

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Diabetes treatment naturally at home you can make it with your own hand. The recommended treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes (hyperglycemia) includes control of dietary intake, injection of insulin and also the oral administration of sugar reducing drugs.
Diabetes Treatment Naturally at Home
Diabetes Treatment
Complications affecting the eye, the kidney, the nervous system arise in case of acute diabetes (hyperglycemia). The patient may go into a coma in such cases.

In initial stages diabetes can be controlled by proper diet. Use of carbohydrates such as sugar, rice, potatoes etc. should be avoided. For hypoglycemia there is no treatment available except to take diet containing sugar and carbohydrates. In acute case of hypoglycemia, one may feel giddiness, imbalance. In such cases, one should take glucose, which helps to increase the blood sugar level.

Diabetes Treatment Naturally

For hyperglycemia a host of herbal treatments is available. These are put together for possible use by masses.

1. Fenugreek seeds (methi dana)

The level of blood and or urine sugar decides the quantity of consumption of fenugreek seeds. This may vary between 20-100 grams per day (100 grams = 4 teaspoons). Method
1. Make packets of powdered fenugreek seeds of 10 grams each. Swallow one packet twice daily with water or buttermilk fifteen minutes before main meals. Pregnant women should avoid this treatment.
2. Soak 10 gram of fenugreek seeds in half cup water overnight. Consume the contents as first thing in the morning.
3. Dry and roast the fenugreek seeds and then powder. Before breakfast take 1-4 teaspoon of the powder with a little milk mixed in it.

2. Wheat Bran Cake

Make a dough of wheat bran with water. Roll a portion like a Rotee (bread) and bake over a tava (iron pan). Eat this on an empty stomach. In 4-5 months, a drastic drop in sugar level in blood/ urine can be measured.

3. Guava leaves

Soak 100-150 grams of fresh green guava leaves in a glass of water overnight. Next morning before brushing the teeth, drink the water extract. Excellent results are obtained in a month’s time.

4. China rose (Hibiscus)

Early morning eat 2-5 buds of China rose when the stomach is empty. In normal diabetics within ten days a drop in sugar level becomes obvious. Chronic diabetes patients should continue the treatment over a month or two. A powdered mixture of dried China rose flowers (6-7) and black pepper (2-3) also give good results.

5. Flowers of Flame of the forest (Palaash)

Botanically it is known as Butea monosperma. In an earthen pot soak 5-6 flowers in a glass of water overnight. Next morning mash the flowers and drink the entire aqueous extract on empty stomach. In 5 weeks increase one flower each day. In this way, the blood sugar level tends to become normal.

6. Leaves of Vinca rosea (Sadabahar)

Wash and clean 4 leaves of the plant. Chew them in the empty stomach followed by drinking a glass of water. The flowers are less effective. A fortnight to a month is the time to show progress in controlling blood sugar.

7. Eugenia jambolana (Jamun)

Chew 4-5 jamun leaves on empty stomach twice daily. On the third day itself drop in sugar in blood becomes obvious.

8. Azadirachta indica leaves (Neem)

Fifteen minutes before meals eat 2-10 neem leaves. Check blood sugar after 10 days and notice the drop in sugar level.

9. Bel leaves

Make a paste of 11 bel leaves plus 3 black peppers. Dissolve in water and filter. Drink the extract once in a day. Increase tow leaves daily till the numbers is 51. Then decrease tow leaves daily till the number is 11.

10. Leaves of holy basil (Tulsi)

Chew 5-8 leaves of the plant twice daily preferably on empty stomach. It is good in controlling diabetes.

11. Okra and black plum (rose apple) (Bhindi and Jamun)

Bhindi (Hibiscus esculents) and Jamun (Syzygium cumini or Eugenia jambolana) both reduce blood sugar and are used for treating patients with threatened or actual diabetics.

1. Select fresh green okra pods (5-6), cut in half lengthwise and boil in one cup of water until the pods are soft and water reduces to half a cup. The extract so obtained is sticky.
2. Mix to the above half tea spoon (one gram) of dried powdered Jamun fruit.
3. Eat the mix at one time, anytime during the day. Continue for 10 days and evaluate.
Water kept overnight in a glass made from the bark of black plum tree has the same medicinal effect next morning. Regular drinking of this water lowers the blood sugar level considerably.

12. Bitter gourd (Karela)

Juice of bitter gourd is very good for diabetic sugar control.


1.    Prevention and treatment are the most important for all kinds of diseases. So that, in the disease of diabetes prevention and proper treatment are involve to maintain a healthy diet, ordinary physical exercise, a normal body weight and avoiding use of tobacco. Controlling blood pressure and maintaining proper food care are essential for people affected by the diabetes. Type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM) must be managed with insulin injections and type-2 diabetes mellitus (DM) may be treated with medications with or without insulin. Insulin and some oral medications can cause low blood sugar. Weight loss surgery in those type of diabetes with obesity is occasionally helpful measure in those with type 2 DM.
2.   A diabetes patient should exercise like as walking, running or doing little hard work regularly.
3.   And avoid sugar or sweet related foods and fruits all time.

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