Amazing Benefits of Camphor Oil for Skin, Hair and Body

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All women desire for a healthy life, along with beautiful and shining hair, attractive skin and body. It is very natural that to achieve this, women purchase many kinds of beauty products. But, there is simple home ingredient that can help you to attain beautiful skin and hair and a healthy body. This simple home ingredient is camphor. There are several amazing benefits of camphor oil. It is to be noted that while using this product, make sure that concentration of camphor is between 3 and 11 percent and not more than this. Only then, camphor will show its best results on the skin.
Image result for camphor
Camphor and Camphor Oil

Check out the amazing benefits of camphor essential oil:

Chest congestion: Applying camphor oil on chest helps in getting rid of chest congestion. For this, you need to mix camphor powder with coconut oil and heat it. Don't over heat it. Now apply the warm oil on your chest and you will feel greatly relieved.

Relieving Minor Burns and Cuts: You can use camphor to treat minor cuts or burns. For this, dissolve camphor power in water and apply this mixed on the affected area. This treatment also helps in removing burn scars. 

Pain Reliever: If you are suffering from pains due to skin sores or insect bites, you can get rid of the pain by applying camphor oil directly on to the pain affected areas. Rub the oil on the skin. It also helps in skin rashes. 

Reduces Acne: Camphor also helps greatly in reducing acne and reducing acne scars. Camphor oil is full of antioxidants properties which help in rejuvenating your skin and also cleaning the skin from impurities and oils.
Image result for camphor oil for skin acne

Cracked Heels Treatment: Cracked heel is a common problem for many. One best way to treat this is by using camphor. Soak your feet in warm water, mixed with little drop of coconut oil and a teaspoon of blistering. After sometime, remove your feet from water,wipe it dry and rub camphor oil on your feet and cracked heels. This helps to heal the cracks.
Image result for Camphor oil for cracked heels

Treating Eczema: If you want to get rid of eczema, use camphor oil. This essential oil controls itching caused due to eczema. Apply the oil on eczema affected area. When when eczema burns up, applying camphor oil works excellently. Camphor oil is the best solution when itching and inflammation become out of control.

Prevents Dandruff: Camphor oil plays an effective role in getting rid of dandruff. For this take few marigold flowers and mix then in 500 ml of camphor oil. Now heat the mixture and after some time, let it cool. Now, strain the liquid and store it in a container. Apply this on your hair once in a week. This mixture prevents dandruff and also keeps the helps in keeps your hair cool. After sometime, wash your hair with shampoo.

Lice Treatment: For getting rid of lice in hair, mix coconut oil with camphor oil. Now apply this mixture to your hair. It helps in disinfecting, it cleanses your hair and it also kills lice.

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Preparing camphor oil at home
You can buy camphor oil from any essential oil products store or supermarket or chemist. However, you can also make the oil at home by following these steps: 

  • Take few camphor blocks or crystals and grind them into powder using a mortar and pestle.
  • In the meantime, heat two cups of coconut oil. Make sure, the oil doesn't burn. Keep it on medium heat.
  • Now, add 2 tablespoons of camphor powder to the heated oil. Stir the powder into the coconut oil so that it gets completely dissolved.
  • Now, remove the warm camphor oil mixture from heat and let it cool. 
  • For de-congestion and pain relief, use this camphor oil mixture
  • For skin and hair treatment, you can add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the cooling mixture. Store the oil in a air-tight container.

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Camphor Essential Oil

Camphor Oil Benefits

Camphor Oil for Hair and Skin

Camphor Oil Uses

Natural home remedies

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