6 Signs That Your Liver Is Full Of Toxins And Making You Fat (And How To Stop It)

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fatty liver
The role of the liver in the body is crucial, as it eliminates accumulates toxins through the urine and feces in the form of waste.

Since we are continually surrounded by toxins and pollutants, it can often become overwhelmed, and incapable to get rid of all the waste, which leads to its storage in fat cells.

The excessive fat amounts in the liver, when they count for over 5-10% of its total weight, lead to fatty liver disease. This disease can be of two types: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease.

The latter is caused by the excessive use of alcoholic beverages while the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is caused by other non-alcoholic factors, like high cholesterol or genetics.

These are the most common symptoms of a fatty liver disease, which warn you that you need to detoxify this organ in order to function normally:

Chronic Fatigue

Toxins impede the metabolism of muscle tissues, and thus cause pain and physical fatigue, which leads to moodiness, angry outbursts, and depression over time.

Bad Breath

You might suffer from some liver issues if your breath is bad even though you maintain a proper oral hygiene.

Unexplained Weight Gain

When the liver does not function well, the toxins accumulate in the fat cells, and fat circulates from the gut, through the bile, back to the liver, leading to weight gain.

Excessive Sweating

The liver easily gets hot when it is overworked and transfers the heat throughout the body. In an attempt to cool itself, the body starts to sweat excessively.


When it functions properly, the liver produces antibodies which fight allergens, so in case its work is decreased, the body stores the allergens.

To respond to this, the brain produces histamine, which is a chemical which marks the allergens which should be eliminated, and in high levels, leads to allergy symptoms such as headaches, itchiness, fogginess.


The toxic buildup in the liver often leads to hormonal imbalances, which cause acne. If acne is caused by the decreased liver function, it cannot be treated externally.

Fatty Liver Disease Treatment

Yet, you can reverse this disease and reduce its symptoms by incorporating some healthy lifestyle habits. First of all, start consuming healthy foods, like bananas, ginger, sweet potatoes, dandelion root, and avoid all kinds of processed foods.

The following two breakfast recipes will be of great help when you need to support the work of your liver:

-Blend a banana, dandelion root, and ginger and consume this smoothie to reduce the symptoms of your liver issue.

-Blend a cup of Greek yogurt, a banana, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, some crushed ginger root, and a teaspoon of dandelion root, and consume this smoothie once or twice daily.
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