Leukorrhea Causes, Observation & Definition for Treatment of Leucorrhoea

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Leukorrhea Vaginal Discharge, normally known by the various names such as Leukorrhea (in America English) or Leucorrhoea (in British English) or Neocoria or Vaginal Discharge or white fluid or white blood or white menstruation or shveta pradar
Leukorrhea Definition, Medical View of Leukorrhea, Some Leukorrhea Causes for selecting Leukorrhea Treatment
Leukorrhea-Vaginal Discharge fact
etc caused by various reasons especially the presence of infection in female genitals vaginal tissues. Actually, it is the discharge of excess whitish or yellowish fluid from the vagina or cervix or both. When the vagina outflows something from its internal places that is white colored fluid it is called leukorrhea. In the rural areas, many women say it pumps broken or period broken. This is an uncomfortable problem of the most known problems among the women.

Today in this article, I am going to share with you Leukorrhea definition in the medical science, Leukorrhea observation in the Modern Herbalife & Ayurvedic medical theory, leukorrhea etymology, Occurred period and Some causes of leukorrhea shortly (in details later). In the next article, I will share my experience on leucorrhoea types and leukorrhea causes (in shortly before), and then step to step I will show you leukorrhea symptoms, leukorrhea diet, leukorrhea suggestion and finally leukorrhea natural home remedies & treatment.

Leukorrhea Etymology in Various language

Leukorrhea or leucorrhoea is a female vaginal disease name. The origin of the word leukorrhea comes from the Greek language. It has two parts. One is leukor and other is rhoea. They have also different meaning. Leuko in Greek λευκός (leukós) that meaning is 'white', and rhoea in Greek ῥοία (rhoía) that meaning is 'flow flux'. It has also a different name in a different language, like in Arabic ثر أبيض, in Chinese 白帶, in Hindi ल्यूकोरिया, in Japanese白血病 in Urdu لیکچریا and in Bengali shet prodor. In the Latin Language leukorrhea has also another meaning is fluor albus. Similarly, it is known in Ayurveda Medical Science as Shveta Pradar which meaning of Shveta is 'white, and Pradar is 'discharge.

What is Leucorrhoea in the medical term?

In the medical science, it is known to all specialist, Mucous membranes and glands in our mankind's body generally produce lots of secretions. These produced secretions have lots of separated various types of functions. Such as it protects our body through the forming a thin lining over the skin or tissue layer or mucous membrane. It also helps to keep the mucous membrane and our skin oily, glossy, smooth and soft like secretion in our mouth. It is to be mentioned that, the lack or absence of these kinds of secretions in our body or become very low, everybody must feel the dryness or waterlessness and uninteresting in his body, and the skin might crack therefore paving way for infections.

In the same way, vaginal glands have also some emitted secretions to keep the organ oily, glossy and smooth. This secretion also helps to preserve the organ from any infection by its acidic nature.

Therefore, Leukorrhea - whitish vaginal discharge is a medical term for whitish or yellowish discharge that is an excessive secretion from the feminine reproductive tract particularly from the vagina or cervix or both. Presently this problem is very universal common things in maximum women. The amount of vaginal discharge may increase or decrease from time to time. It may increase when the vagina infected by unhygienic condition or vaginal infection or sexually transmitted infections that also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases.

It also may be embossed, painful and should cause a lot of discomfort, stress and even have an effect on the sexual preferences and sexual desire. It would be gentle to severe and varies from person to person.

Leukorrhea Observation in Modern Herbalife

Leukorrhea is sticky, viscid and thick with foul-smelling whitish or light yellowish colored vaginal discharge flowing from the female genitals. It is one of the female vaginal diseases. In the medical science, leukorrhea is normally known as whitish discharge. This discharge may become more thick, more yellow and more foul-smelling when it is chronic and is occurred by some unhygienic condition or infection of the genital tract. If this problem keeps occurring for a long time year after year and not treated properly in the initial stages it may become chronic.

At the initial stages vaginal discharge has no foul smell and not yellow color, but when it is in the chronic or old stages it becomes yellowish and foul smelling. Otherwise, vaginal discharge is normal in white color and little sticky or thick. Sometimes this disease becomes vanish, I mean sooner or later it may disappear and reappear.

You can confirm about Leukorrhea disease by testing >10 WBC (White Blood Cells) in the laboratory under a microscope when examining vaginal fluid.

Leukorrhea Observation in Ayurvedic Theory

The contributing factors, especially taking like this food such as oily, fried, spicy, sour, tea, coffee, alcohol, aerated drinks and non-vegetarian foods can give a result in irritation of Kapha Dosha. The other factors of contributing with this improved Kapha Dosha can damage the Rasa Dhatu (known as nutrient plasma in medical science) existent in the vaginal tract that finally leading to the painless excess discharge of whitish or light yellowish colored fluid from vagina or cervix or both. Leucorrhoea treatment based on Ayurvedic medical theory remains the restoring of pancreas juice of our body in order to cleanse the accumulated toxins and balance of Kapha.

Occurred Period of Leukorrhea

Leucorrhoea, whitish vaginal discharge is a common problem of all women which has been occurred by most women of all ages. Age is not factor for this vaginal discharge problem. Because sometimes it may occur before an adult girl has her first menstrual period which is considered a symptom of puberty. It may occur in a younger girl during the years before or after her first period. This problem is commonly seen more in married women than unmarried women. It also occurs a pregnant woman who have more whitish vaginal discharge during her pregnancy period.

Some Leukorrhea Causes Shortly

Here Some of the leukorrhea causes are described under two classification, one is physical causes and other is healthy causes are in bellow:

Physical cause of Leukorrhea:

There may be leukorrhea — white vaginal discharge....
1. Because of the effects of estrogen hormones (female hormone) in a woman, some woman may be exposed to vaginal discharge immediately after their birth.
2. During the adolescence of girls under the influence of hormones.
3. During ovulation or pregnancy if a girl becomes pregnant at a young age.
4. During sexual excitement.

Healthy Causes of Leukorrhea:

There may also be leukorrhea — white vaginal discharge....
1. If there is inflammation in the vagina.
2. When arises anxiety, worry, and depression.
3. If there is weakness of health and malnutrition.
4. Having sexual disloyalty.
5. If there are infections in the uterus.
6. When the uterus came down.
7. If there is wound in the mouth of the uterus.
8. If contraceptive pills may have side-effects.

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