7 Types of Bristol Stool Scale with their Position

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Bristol types stool scale with positionThe Bristol stool Scale is the shape of human faces (ordure) movements upon per passing stools status in every day. At first, this Bristol stool scale was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology in 1997 in the United Kingdom. It was developed by a team of Gastroenterologists are led by Dr. Ken Heaton at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. Sometimes it is mentioned in the UK as the 'Meyers scale'.

Nowadays, it is a developed, recognized and general measurement used in the medical science as a research implements to evaluate the effective treatment in various diseases related bowl to the stomach. Even this Bristol stool scale may be used to measure the consistency or the shape of a patient’s stool, presenting our treatment with more information for detecting patterns or changes in bowel habits. Directly, there is relativity between the shape of the stool and the amount of spending time in the colon. However, the Bristol stool scale chart is an implement of medicinal science designed to classify the shape of human stool movements into seven distinct parts. Similarly, the diarrhea also is signed to classify into seven types according to medicinal science of Ayurvedic.

7 Types of Bristol Stool Scale

The seven types of Bristol stool scale chart based upon their appearance as seen in the toilet water are below:
  • Bristol Stool Scale Type 1: This type stool becomes very hardy and generally difficult to pass. These faces come out in separate, hard lumps, and resembling nuts. In this Bristol stool type, stools have spent the longest amount of time through the colon to pass. This condition is usually created by various causes like as a lack of a liquid thing in the stomach, lack of friendly bacteria, excess mucus, stress, and not as much as good fiber things to help digest easily.

    The patient must avoid alcohol, baking soda and all products with refined white flour, sugar, white rice and yeast.

  • Bristol Stool Type 2: Stools look like a sausage-shaped, but it is actually lumpy.

  • Bristol Stool Type 3: Stools also look like to similar a sausage but with cracks on its surface.

  • Bristol Stool Type 4: Stools come out like smooth and soft in the shape of a sausage or snake.

  • Bristol Stool Type 5: Shape of stools is soft blobs with clear-cut edges, which passed out easily through the system.

  • Bristol Stool Type 6: Stools as fluffy pieces with ragged edges and mushy stools.

  • Bristol Stool Type 7: Stools are Unbroken and no solid pieces. These are entirely liquid and watery, which has spent the least time through the colon.

  • It is noted that the following additional Bristol Stool type, number 8th is added by Dr. Groups, which is not part of the original seven types of the Bristol Stool Scale.

  • Bristol Stool Type 8: Stool is foul-smelling and mucous-like with bubbles (sprayed out). This indicates excessive intake of alcohol and/or recreational drugs.
New additional 8th Bristol Stool Chart
New Stool Scale
It is mentioned that, types 1 and 2 indicate to the constipation. Types 3 and 4 indicate to the normal stools which passed out easily through the colon; type 5, 6 and 7 indicate the Diarrhea. And the new additional 8th type of Bristol stool scale is as described above.

It is highly recommended to all; these various forms of faces of human being are a great sign of the almighty Allah/God that when something is wrong in the human body, the body naturally tries to cure itself. Whole world with their full force can’t change and violate any roll of Allah. So we all should pray and realize thankfulness to Allah unlimited.
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