What are Symptoms and Positions of Water Loss due to Diarrhea?

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Water loss or fluid loss is a common symptom of diarrhea, because a lot of liquid things (minerals, water) passed out from the body due to diarrhea. So, for this reason the diverse symptom and position reveal in the patient's body, like as dry mouth, dried tongue and dried lips. Even Patient very quickly becomes a weakness, being irritable or lethargic.
Symptom of Water Loss due to Diarrhea
Water Loss
So that, the patient has to drink more water again and again to recovery water loss problem. It should know to all that, drinking more water has more health benefits to make healthy fitness life and lose over weight. So we should drink as much as possible water in the whole day-night. However, the chart on Symptom and position of a patient is below.

Symptoms and Position of Water Loss due to Diarrhea

There are three diverse section of position of Water Loss due to Diarrhea problem based on diverse symptoms. 1st position (Non-Water Loss) has no any symptom of water loss. 2nd position (Little Water Loss) has few water loss symptoms and few problems. The patient should be taken consultation of doctor and drink more fluids (water, juice etc.). And 3rd, the last position (Fatal Water Loss) has a major problem. The patient must be taken treatment quickly, Otherwise it may lead to extreme damage. Even the patient may die any time.
SymptomsNone-water lossLittle water lossFatal water loss
First visited symbols of childHealthy and alertnessUnsteady and drowsiness but express dissatisfaction by touchInsensible condition, coldness of hand and feet, wet with sweat, decreasing memory power.
First visited symbols of adultHealthy and alertnessAlertness but head moving by body movement.Normally alertness, coldness of hand and feet, wet with sweat, bluish face, pain in muscle, Tip of the fingerer toe curvature.
EyeNormalGloomy or pale faceVery gloomy or pale face
TearTearful eyeNo tearNo tear
Face and TongueWetnessDrynessVery dryness
Crown of the head of children under 1.6 yearsNormalLittle downMore down condition
RespirationNormalFastVery fast
Liquid stool quantumLess than 4 times each day4-10 times each dayMore than 10 times each day
ThirstNo thirst and drinking water normallyThirst and drink water more than normalDrink water more less than normal or don’t drink at all
UrineNormalLess quantity and strong colorStop urine from during 6 hours or more
Skin elasticityAfter pinch on the skin return to normal position quicklyAfter pinch return to normal position few lateAfter pinch return to normal position very late
Pulse beatFastFast and weakDon’t feel redial pulse beat
Wait decrease percent4-5 %6-9 %10 % or more
Quantity of liquid erosion per kg40-50 ML per KG60-90 ML per KG100-110 ML per KG

Treatment for Diarrhea

The treatment for all types of diarrhea such as Chronic Diarrhea, Children Diarrhea and Normal Diarrhea are almost the same which is described before under the Children Diarrhea Treatment article with various symptoms and causes of diarrhea. So you have to know about water loss and what the symptoms and the position of water loss due to diarrhea; then you can select the appropriate treatment and consultation for water loss problem. Even the patient has to drink more water or liquid things again and again to recovery water loss problem due to diarrhea. To get the best information of herbal treatment, stay with us.
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