Home Remedies to Cure Typhoid, Typhoid Natural Remedies, Precautionary Measures for Typhoid, Diet for Typhoid

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Typhoid is an infectious bacterial disease which spreads through ingestion of contaminated food and water. Weak immune system is another cause of typhoid. The symptoms associated with typhoid are fever, abdominal pain, head aches, sore throats, rashes, constipation, diarrhea, and weakness. If the patient is not treated immediately, it can move over to the second stage of symptoms like as high fever, diarrhea, weight loss, severe constipation, and distention of the abdomen along with skin rashes. Serious complications can also lead to severe exhaustion and the patient may remain motionless with the eyes half closed and also intestinal perforation or bleeding. In such cases, typhoid fever could also lead to death. So it is better to take the necessary actions and treatment in the first stage of symptoms itself.

Treatment of Typhoid
The treatment of typhoid fever involves antibiotic medications. Medical attention is absolutely necessary along with other precautions related to diet. There are vaccines available for typhoid. These can considerably lower the risks of infection. 

Home Remedies for Typhoid
Along with proper medication and diet, for speedy recovery of typhoid, you can also opt for some home remedies. The natural remedies are without any side effects and can actually alleviate the typhoid symptoms and even facilitate recovery.
  • Honey and water: Add some honey to warm water and drink this. This drink soothes the digestive tract and supplies energy to the body.
  • Basil Leaves: Take few basil leaves, black pepper corns and pinch of saffron. Grind into a paste. Add little water. When the paste is made, make small tablets out of it and have 1 two times a day with lukewarm water. 
  • Cloves: Add 4-5 cloves in water and boil it till the solution reduces to half its original quantity. Strain the liquid and drink the water.
  • Butter milk and coriander leaves:  Add one to two tsps of fresh coriander juice to a cup of buttermilk and drink twice every day.
  • Banana and honey:  Take a banana, mash it and add honey to it. This helps to restore energy lost due to the illness, and also helps in fast recovery. You can also add mashed banana to a glass of butter milk and consume this daily.
  • Juices: Take different varieties of juices like as orange juice, pomegranate juice, apple juice, sweet lime juice etc. The juice keeps the body hydrated and cool, and energises a typhoid fever patient. Apple juice mixed with 1 tbsp of ginger juice is very effective for typhoid fever.
  • Vegetable soup:  Include vegetable soups without spices in your diet. Carrot soup with black pepper is very helpful for diarrhea. 
  • Coconut Water and Mint Leaves: Take half cup of coconut water with 3-4 mint leaves. Blend this properly. Use 2-3 tablespoons of this liquid 2-3 times daily. Very effective remedy in Typhoid fever.
  • Dry Plum and Raisins:  Take Dry Plums (2-3) and Raisins (8-10). Soak in 2 glasses of water overnight. Blend it in the morning and drink this in an empty stomach.
  • Pineapple Juice with Lemon grass: Boil some Lemon Grass in Half cup water for few minutes. Then add 1 cup Pineapple juice in it when it cools down. Drink it daily.
Precautionary Measures for Typhoid
For a typhoid patient, certain precautionary measures help in recovery and aid in preventing spread of the infection:
  • Maintain good hygiene. 
  • Keep your toilet clean.
  • Flush out the stool completely because the virus can affect others.
  • Wash your hands frequently especially before eating and after going to the bathroom.
  • Keep the items that you touch frequently clean like as mobile phones, water faucets, telephone receivers,  door handles etc.
  • Keep your personal items such as towels and utensils separate and clean. 
  • Use disinfectant for cleaning your clothes and bed linens and towels.
  • Take complete rest.
  • Drink boiled water to get rid of typhoid fever. Drink the water when it is still warm.
  • Even if you recover from typhoid, do not cook food for others. Wait for your doctor’s consent before preparing food for others.
Diet for Typhoid Patients
  • Follow a healthy diet. Nutritional deficiencies can easily develop and hence you need to consume high-calorie, nutritious meals.
  • Try to intake more iron food in your daily diet. Fruits and vegetables with iron are best.
  • It is advisable to consume food that is very easy to digest.
  • Have well-cooked khichdi, curd rice, sabudana, custard and kheer. 
  • Rice gruel is often advised for those with typhoid fever. It is easy on the stomach and provides many important nutrients.
  • Prevent dehydration by drinking lots of fluids.  
  • Maintain a diet of maximum fluids and fruit juices and soups. 

 What to Avoid?
  • Avoid taking a bath in the first two weeks if you have high fever. But always keep your hands and feet clean thoroughly, specially when you come out from the toilet. 
  • Avoid milk and dairy products if you have diarrhea.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, tea, carbonated drinks and spicy foods.
  • Avoid drinking water along with meals.
  • Avoid taking beef, chicken and eggs.
Image source: foodlve.com

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    Typhoid Home Remedies

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