How Many Percentage of the Various Types of Cancer’s Affecting in the World

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CANCER is a life killer disease name. It is also known by the medical term as a malignant neoplasm.
Various Types of Cancer's Affecting Percentage
Cancer's Percentage
Cancer or abnormal cell growth may be spread to other more parts of the body through the bloodstream and lymphatic system in the short time if untreated it. Remember, untreated cancer, which will be a very dangerous and serious problem and the major cause of illness or death. If you want to learn about cancer in details you can read our article “What is Cancer? Definition of Cancer with Tumor”. In this article, I will try to show you just the percentage of the affecting various cancers.

Percentage of the Cancer’s Affecting in Bangladesh

Cancer can be many different types. Both male and female are not affected by the same cancer and the same percentage. Such as - the men of Bangladesh are affected mostly by lung cancer (21%), and the women are affected mostly by uterus cancer (24%). According to the recent statistic the percentage of the affected male and female of Bangladesh by the various types of cancers are given below in a diagram.
List of the percentage of the male and female affected by cancer:
Cancer's NamePercentage (%)Cancer's NamePercentage (%)
Lung Cancer21%Uterus Cancer24%
Laryngeal Cancer13%Breast Cancer17%
Oral/Mouth Cancer12%Oral/Mouth Cancer12%
Leukemia/Lymphoma8%Esophageal cancer8%
Pharynx/Throat Cancer6%Ovarian Cancer6%
Esophageal cancer5%Leukemia/Lymphoma5%
Other Cancer35%Other Cancer31%
Total = 100%Total = 100%

Percentage of the Cancer’s Affecting in Other Countries

Based on the information of "American Cancer Society", the people of developed and undeveloped countries are affected by these cancers, which are shown in a diagram.
A List of the top 5 affecting cancer in the developed & undeveloped countries:
Developed CountryUndeveloped CountryDeveloped CountryUndeveloped Country
Cancer’s NameAffected figureCancer’s NameAffected figure
Prostate Cancer566841Lung & Bronchi564306
Lung & Bronchi589176Stomach Cancer474580
Colorectal Cancer387637Liver Cancer424490
Stomach Cancer214534Esophageal cancer300763
Bladder Cancer181812Colorectal Cancer228108

Developed CountryUndeveloped CountryDeveloped CountryUndeveloped Country
Cancer’s NameAffected figureCancer’s NameAffected figure
Breast Cancer679682Breast Cancer593233
Colorectal Cancer387637Uterus Neck cancer475430
Lung & Bronchi209707Stomach Cancer250650
Uterus Cancer146466Lung & Bronchi224500
Stomach Cancer123773Colorectal Cancer186532

The information about this listing and percentage of the affecting cancer has uploaded according to 2011 reports. Nowadays this list may be change affected by cancer newly.

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