Lose Weight in a Week Using Cinnamon and Honey

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Honey and cinnamon have natural ingredients that help in weight loss. To avoid fat to accumulate in the body, you can drink a wonderful health drink using honey and cinnamon powder. This is very simple to prepare and helps in weight loss in a weeks time.

How  to prepare this drink?
Things Required
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 cup of water
  • Mix cinnamon powder and honey with the water in a pan.
  • Boil the mixture.
  • Now strain the liquid into a cup.
  • Divide into two equal quantities.
  • Consume half portion before going to sleep at night.
  • Keep the remaining portion in the fridge and have it in the morning in an early stomach half an hour before having your breakfast.

How does it work?
  • This mixture stops the body from accumulating fat.
  • Honey is an antioxidant and is good for the body.
  • Cinnamon can process blood sugar giving your body a better chance to break it down so that it does not turn to fat. 
  • Some experts claim that abdominal weight is more sensitive to cinnamon's effects than other body weight.
  • By following this regimen, it is possible to lose three to five pounds within one week without changing anything else within the diet.
Helpful Tips
  • Add raw honey after the water has boiled. This will retain the nutrients more.
  • Try different flavours of cinnamon. 
  • Remember Cassia which is sold as a cinnamon in some stores is not the same spice and may, therefore, produce different results.
  • The surest way to attain real weight-loss is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

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Lose Weight Easily

Weight Loss

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