Secret Penis Embrocation: How to Strengthen and Lengthen your penis with Scrubbing?

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Penis Embrocation method to make your penis strengthen, lengthen and severe by scrubbing oil-honey mixture & some diets have been described by an ancient doctor which is proved by many more young people.
Penis Strengthen Scrubbing
So that, I will show you this secret way to make longer and stronger penis like as iron stick in the short time. Let’s carry on with us in the last point of this article to know how to make your penis strong and severe by the secret natural way and herbal treatment.
Dear men and women, for this secret scrubbing, need only two things: olive oil and honey. Olive Oil and Honey are mentioned in the Holy Quran. They have several energized and tonic benefits.

How to Scrub Penis with Oil & Honey

Bring genuine olive oil, the excellent quality at night before going to sleep. Put a little bit of this olive oil in the palm of your hand and then rub your penis with it in the state of erection if possible. Then lapse few minutes after scrubbing your penis with this oil. And then put a little of the original honey on the penis once again and rub your penis smoothly similar to oil.

Fulfill this scrubbing process with your hand like masturbation and continue this scrub slowly and smoothly for two to three minutes. Even, when the skin of the penis will become hot strong after scrubbing with this mix, then take a rest for one minute. And then restart the scrubbing to complete this process successfully. After two or three minutes of scrubbing, stop to take a rest, and then complete this scrub at the same time. Continue this process alternately for twenty minutes or half an hour that if you have not Helter-shelter. You can leave this scrubs process to carry out for your wife because women do not feel uncomfortable (cumbrous) by the fondling penis in the sexual periods but they enjoy so much. So that, it is the most important to be careful about sperm semen during scrubs that never sperm during scrubbing period. It is also the most important condition to success the scrubbing operation.

After twenty minutes or half an hour, wash your penis with only water and avoid any soap to wash your penis. Because only water does not remove oil but removes honey only. This is required to that the penis stays little viscous with oil. Then go to your bed and sleep, do not try to perform any sexual work with your wife, because it may simply affect warmly (hot) or little burning (ablaze) in your wife’s vagina.

On the second day repeat the same work (scrubs process). After four or five days depending on your treatment’s result, you will feel better so much in the erection of your penis bigger. And then you can able to practice your sex with your wife in a natural way with the high interest!! Bear in mind, never stop this treatment, but continue this system in every day without that day when you want to perform sex with your spouse.

After three weeks or a month, you will discover yourself that you have become a horse or an ox. That means your penis will become as long as the penis of a horse or an ox. You will feel that your penis as strong as stone or iron sticks.

The most important thing that if you feel better from this method, do not will be interrupted or finished for a full month only. It must be continued at least two to three times per week.

REMEMBER, you must take some helpful diets and foods for quick action to improve the result of lengthening and strengthen your small penis. I will describe full diets and foods to make penis strengthen and severe as soon as possible. Stay with us....

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