Top 7 foods to Increase Memory Power

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Improvement of Memory Power is the most important intention. So what more things we have done to improve our memory power or efficiency of our brain such as meditation, various exercise and several diets & foods; but that are not enough to improve our retention or memory as much as quantity.
Brain/Memory Power Improvement Foods
7 foods for memory power
It is very important to improve memory power for all students, lawyers, journalists, scientists, doctors, diplomat and etc. So, I have represented here the best diets or the most effective foods to develop the brain memory. Here I have described only seven foods for improvement of brain or memory power.

Seven Foods to Improve Brain Memory

Some Healthy foods you have to add in your daily diets to increase your efficiency of brain and memory power greatly. Let’s know what the most effective foods to develop memory power are:

1)  Blackberry, Strawberry, Grapes or Litchi

As your age will increase so more; then the ability of your memory power to memorize various things will decrease gradually so more. So you can keep in your daily diet some helpful and healthy foods to improve your memory power such as apple, litchi, berry, strawberry, blackberry or fruits like grapes. There are anti-oxidant in these fruits which contain brain cells and prevent oxidation of brain cells and continued to decrease. That is to say, these kinds of fruits increase brain efficiency and memory activity. Blue bike is considered the most effective foods for improvement of a brain because it helps to prevent the Alzheimer's disease and increases the ability of learning.

2)  Marine Fish

Various types of marine fish contain a lot of nutrients which enhance the efficacy of the brain. 40% of fatty acid exciting in the brain is DHA, which is found in oil of marine fish as omega-3 fatty acids. According to brain experts, this omega-3 fatty acid increases the signal transfer in the various cells of the brain.

3)  Coffee

After thesis and studies on 1400 people who drink coffee on a long time it is proved that who take three to five cups of coffee a day, their disease of impaired memories is significantly very less. That is to say, they have completely very less not suffered from weakness of memory disease. But compared to those who take two cups of coffee a day they were risking more affected by the Alzheimer's disease at the age of 40 to 50. The idea is that the caffeine and anti-oxidants present in coffee protect brain cells.

4)  Chocolate

Dark chocolate, with at least 70% cocoa, increase the efficiency of the brain, it is proved by the study. It contains a kind of anti-oxidant named flavonoids, which keeps the brain cells alive, prepared and active.

5)  Ghol

Ghol is buttermilk or whey or yogurt made from milk. Sometimes we eat it with our meal, but many people do not like it. It is mentioned that there are available vitamin B-12 in the way, and the absence of this vitamin, memory power decreases desperately. Vitamin B-12 prevents memory loss at the old age. And in the Medical terms, it reduces brain shrinkage.

6)  Vegetables

Keep the green vegetables in the daily diet. Every day make habit eating various types of vegetables. Because of the protective anti-oxidant present in it makes the brain more efficient and more powerful. Your memory power will improve day by day obviously.

7)  Almonds

The easily obtainable food has an intake of vitamin-E, which is another anti-oxidant to make the memory more efficient and more powerful. Put the easily found food almonds in your every meal list.

These kinds of fruits described above shortly will increase the efficiency of the brain and the memory power many times eating in the balanced amounts every day.

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