20 Foods that cause Acne breakouts & make acne worse - Part 1

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To get gorgeous acne free skin, stay away from food items that are responsible for acne breakouts like bread, sugar, coffee, dairy products, and deep fried foods.

Acne is normal in teenage life phase, when everyone gets acne breakout due to hormonal changes in our body. But with essential skin care routine and right diet plan, we can control outbreak of acne. Acnes are considered as a result of clogged pore with skin oil. Due to blockage of dead skin and pollution, skin gets irritated and excess skin oil comes out from pores. With modification in your diet, you can reduce the excess production of skin oil and reduce occurrence of acnes to give you beautiful flawless skin. 

There are certain foods in our regular diet that increases the oil production to more than average. So, avoiding those foods can help you to stop acne. Check out some of the top acne triggering foods to stay away from.

1. Soy

Tofu and other soy products are the main cause of building acne breakout around mouth and along jaw line. Soy contains estrogens naturally into it that increases the sebum production. Stop using soy in your diet to say bye-bye to acne around mouth and jaw line.

2. Bread

Wheat products such as English muffin or bread are inflammatory food products that act negatively on your flawless skin. So, it is mandatory to stay away from bread to get desired acne free skin. Bread or English muffin insert three big triggers of acne: sugar, soy and dairy. So, bread will increase chances of having aggressive acne three times.

3. Chocolate

Many studies have found a connection between acne breakouts and chocolate consumption. Studies point out that a high-sugar or high-fat diet can stimulate the production of sebum which results in acne and pimples. The caffeine present in chocolate is one of the major causes of acne breakouts, however many chocolate products have high amounts of sugar & dairy, which may also cause this problem.

4. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is packed with protein, calcium, Vitamin B6, B12, potassium, magnesium, etc, but it is also one source of dairy products. No matter how nutritious & healthy, dairy products can lead to skin breakouts in certain people. You should consume it in moderate amount if you are suffering from acne and pimples.

5. Popcorn

Popcorn contains high amount of trans-fat which leads to acne breakouts. So, have popcorn in small amount.

6. Salsa

Salsa has high amount of but, salsa is acidic, as it contains tomatoes and vinegar, these two acidic ingredients may cause skin breakouts if eaten regularly, or in large quantity. 

You must minimize consumption of salsa if you are suffering from acne, pimples or are likely to breakouts.

7. Jackfruit & Durian

Jackfruit may increase your body temperature if you eat it too much, as a result it may cause acne. Avoid consumption of jackfruit especially in warm weather.

8. Alcohol

Alcohol may also cause acne breakouts. Consumption of alcohol increase your heat index and you get warmer & sweat more, as a result, heat leads to acne breakouts and clogged pores. The properties present in alcohol makes you dehydrated and removes some amount of moisture from our skin, which leads to serious breakouts. Moreover, lack of adequate moisture leads to wrinkles & deep lines, that’s why the alcohol ages people so fast.

9. Peanuts

Peanuts consists of androgen that increases the production of sebum. Acne gets worse due to uncontrolled production of sebum. For acne free skin, you must avoid peanut butter and other products of peanuts to get flawless skin. You can switch to almond or cashews instead of peanuts to get relief from irritating acne.

10. Spicy Food

Consumption of excessive spicy & oily food can affect our digestive system & leads to acne & skin breakouts. It also raises the blood circulation to face and gives redness to it. Therefore, people with acne & pimples should eat spicy & oily foods in moderate amount.


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