9 Common Pains You Should Take Really Seriously to Save Your Life - Part 1

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After reading the heading you all must be thinking what does referred pain mean? Well, it simply means the pain caused in certain body parts which is the result of some malfunction or problem caused in some vital, internal organ like liver or heart.

You may shrug off a minor stomach ache thinking that it is just the result of stale chicken you ate this morning. But paying heed and knowing about referred pain is very important because that stomach ache must be an alarm for some medical emergency! So being well-informed about types of referred pains is a must to know what could be happening inside your body.

Whenever you feel such kind of a pain, however minor it may be, without any delay, you must see your doctor. For the reason, (not to scare you off) that minor pain could be a significant symptom of something serious happening to you.

So here we are, with the list of referred pain and how would you recognize it.

1. Pain in Chest & Left Arm

A painful feeling in chest area and left side of the body including arm indicates a potential cardiac problem. The pain may be mild to intense. So, why does this area specifically signifies heart related problems? Because, heart ventricles send signals in the form of impulses to the same levels of the spinal cord, and so a person having any kind of heart related disease may often feel pain in this part of body.

This type of pain is to be taken very very seriously because it may indicate a life- threatening condition and so, consultation from doctor is a must if you feel pain in your chest or left side of your body.

2. Shoulder & Neck pain

Problem related to lungs and diaphragm is indicated by pain in one side of neck or upper area of shoulders where neck and shoulders meet. This pain can be a result of breathing related problems or problems in phrenic nerves that run throughout the related organs i.e. from spinal cord to the diaphragm through our lungs.

These days respiratory problems have become very common due to the exponential increase in pollution. We can see breathing problems spreading like epidemic as every other person has it, and the reason is- current environmental situation. This also affects our diaphragm and you are left with painful neck and shoulder. These pains affect the whole upper body and trust me, you don’t want this. So never ignore it and immediately take a trip to your doctor.

3. Shoulder, Neck & below the right Ribs

Our liver, one of the most essential organs of the human body is subjected to very harsh conditions by most of us, as; many people drink alcohol and follow unhealthy dietary habits. So, if you get pain in the front of the neck you must realize that you are following the wrong habits which are causing problems in your liver. On the other hand pain in upper shoulder areas and below the right rib cage means, your gall bladder is crying for help. This should not be confused with the referred pain for lungs and diaphragm.  

One another reason for this kind of pain is nervous impulse sent from the diaphragm connected to the phrenic nerves. In this case a gentle massage can be helpful as the reason for pain is muscular spasmand a massage can help in improving the circulation.

4. Pain in the front & back of the body

Now coming below the shoulders, the pain felt in front and back side of the body indicate an upset stomach or something wrong related to pancreas. Pain specifically in these areas of body may be a red flag for abdominal tenderness in the upper quadrants. A quick fact for you: around half of the patients suffering with acute pancreatitis are victims of intense radiating front and back body pain.

Solution to this problem? Visit your doctor and get a proper diagnosis and treatment for your stomach and pancreas, a healthy diet and good routine may help you in avoiding the above situation. As we all know prevention is better than cure.

5. Pain in the Abdomen

Pain in the abdominal area, in centre, near the belly button is the sign of some infection in small intestine. We all are familiar with this kind of pain as we always eat things which end up upsetting our stomach. Inflammation in small intestine, any functional disorder or intestinal spasmcan also cause such pain.

If the pain is specifically in the middle-lower abdomen then it may be caused due to problems in the colon and appendix. Though common, but not trivial, the pain of abdomenneeds full medical attention.


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