Put Garlic under your pillow! Miraculous benefits of keeping Garlic under pillow!

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Garlic, most of us avoid garlic in our meals, for it gives us bad breath. But did you know that garlic is one of the most important foods on our planet? Apart from increasing taste of other dishes, it has many medicinal and nutritional values which we often overlook. Just like any other vegetable, it is best consumed raw because it retains more of its nutritional values. And for all the obvious reasons, it should be consumed daily.

As we just discussed, garlicis used to treat quite many medical conditions too such as -to prevent or to treat baldness (now that’s really useful for many men), liver diseases, it also helps in relieving the symptoms from a cold or flu and increase immunity to the same.

Put Garlic under Your Pillow

Apart from the treatment of problems mentioned above garlic helps in purifying the blood and cleansing the arteries. And it has proven to be helpful for people with respiratory problems and the list goes on and on. Now that makes garlic a very useful thing to have in our plate. Doesn’t it??

It is a widely known and accepted fact that keeping garlic under our pillow proves good for our health. Why is it so, we will soon find out. Some people have a habit of keeping it in their pockets of their clothes and some even use it on their pans and cooking vessels both before and during cooking various dishes.

Why put garlic under your pillow?

It is believed that keeping garlicunder our pillow would eliminate or avoid any negative energy around us and stop us from being around the same. Also it is considered a good omen and brings us good luck. If you hesitate, you should try it as well. Take a garlic clove; put it under your pillow. You will sleep better and the negative energy that has been circling around you will be gone.This is about the beliefs. The scientific aspect of doing this is that garlic helps reduce stress and prevent fluwhen inhaled. Now the maximum time one can do this continuously is while he is sleeping. So this is the second and scientific reason behind why it is done. After all who doesn’t want a carefree and relaxed sleep!!

Did you know?

Did you know that garlic was used by Egyptian labours while they were giving their best building the pyramids? Yes they did, and they did so because of its medicinal and antibiotic properties which would help then to keep up with all the bruises and injuries they would get while working. There is a powerful compound in garlic called Allicin which imparts garlic its smell and other medicinal properties.

Magic of Allicin

Allicin works in a very interesting way, so to let it work to its max potential you just have to crush it and let it breathe, mind you if it is cooked this compound will vanish. That’s predominantly the main reason it should be eaten raw.

To have it you have to crush it nicely and leave it to breathe for around 15 minutes. This is the time when the power of Allicin spreads and its potency increases after which you are free to have it. Just for the information; that most of the people don’t like the odour, so to disguise it you can add some lettuce and vegetables along with little bit of olive oil and parsley. And Tada..!! The odour has reduced now without compromising the nutritional value garlic.

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