Health Benefits of Mustard Seeds, Mustard Seeds Health Benefits, Uses of Mustard Seeds

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Mustard seeds are a popular ingredient in various types of cuisines, especially Indian and American cuisine. There are three popular varieties of mustard seeds that are consumed :  black mustard (Brassica nigra) with a pungent taste, white mustard (Brassica alba), the mild ones and which are actually white in colour and brown mustard (Brassica juncea), with a pungent acrid taste and dark yellow in color. Mustard seeds have been used wonderfully to make mustard oil and mustard sauce. The whole mustard seeds have been used as a tadka in Indin foods. Also, the powdered form of the seed can be used for garnishing a dish. Mustard seeds besides adding flavour to food also have numerous health benefits, which we are discussing below: 

Mustard Health Benefits

Amazing Benefits of Mustard Seeds
  • Asthma: The seeds are high in selenium and magnesium and have anti inflammatory property. If it is consumed regularly, it can control or prevent the symptoms of asthma, including cold and chest congestion.
  • Weight loss: These seeds are packed with B-complex vitamins like niacin, thiamine, folates, riboflavin etc. The seeds are helpful in speeding up one’s metabolism leading to weight loss.
  • Slow ageing: Mustard seeds are a great source of carotenes, zeaxanthins and lutein, vitamin A,C and K, which make it rich in antioxidants and hence slows the ageing process
  • Gastrointestinal cancer: Packed with phytonutrients, mustard seeds are a great way to prevent and slow the progress of cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rheumatoid, arthritic and muscle pain: With its anti inflammatory and heat producing properties, the mustard seeds paste when applied to the body, heats up the area and helps loosen muscles, leading to pain relief .
  • Cholesterol: Mustard seeds can help lower one’s cholesterol levels and protects the arteries from atherosclerosis . The seeds also help to regulate blood flow and protects the body from hypertension.
  • Constipation: The seeds contain mucilage,  a thick slimy substance that helps relieving constipation. Apart from that, it is also high in fibre. Mustard seeds are known to increase saliva production, leading to better digestion.
  • Skin infections: Packed with sulphur, mustard seeds are a great way to prevent skin infections.
  • Immunity: The seeds help improve the body’s ability to fight disease because mustard has a huge quantity of elemental minerals like iron, manganese, copper etc.
  • Migraine: The occurrence of migraine also reduces due to the magnesium content present in the mustard seed.

Nutritional facts of mustard seeds
11 grams of Mustard seeds contain the following nutrients.
52 calories, 3 grams fat, 1mg sodium, 0mg cholesterol, 2 grams of carbohydrates,3 grams of proteins, Calcium 65%, iron 6%, vitamin C 1%, Vitamin A 0%

How to use mustard seeds? Certain Health Tips
  • For Pair Relief: To relieve pain, make a small bundle of the mustard seeds in a muslin cloth, and add it to warm bath water. Soak your tired and aching feet for instant relief or you can have a long relaxing bath. Another great way is to apply the mustard seeds paste on the area for a few minutes.
  • For Hair : Use mustard oil once a week for a warm oil massage. This is an effective way to relieve stress, dandruff and promote hair growth. After you apply the oil, wrap your hair in a thin plastic bag or a warm towel to increase absorption of the oil into the scalp.
  • For Constipation : Have one teaspoon of mustard seeds two to three times a day to relieve constipation.
  • For Congestion : To clear congestion and breathing problems, grind a quarter teaspoon of mustard seeds along a little water to make a paste. Consume this paste after adding honey in it.
  • For Appetite : Have a glass of milk with a few black mustard seeds for increasing appetite. Consume this about 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • For Skin : Make a paste with few mustard and some water and apply it on skin to heal ringworm.
  • Roast some mustard seeds in coconut oil. Next, cool and strain this mixture. Apply this on face to lighten skin color and get rid of pimples.
  • Lastly, always remember to use mustard seeds in small quantities.

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Mustard Seeds

Mustard Seeds Health Benefits

Natural home remedies

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